What is this great job? (I can hear you all asking)
Mini snow plough driving.

Anyway we skied for the afternoon as everyone was a little hungover in the AM and had a great time although I was seriously surprised to see Michaela tear off down the hill in front of me. So much for her "I am 'ok' I guess". 'Ok' my arse, she was bloody good and bloody fast, where i am FAST but technically retarded which means on anything but perfectly groomed runs I look gangly, uncoordinated and out of control.
It was a very pleasant day but we had a weird incident in the bistro when we were getting some food. It appeared the bistro staff hadn't stopped drinking after new years and were all SMASHED. They were dropping uncooked chips onto the filthy floor then picking them up and putting them back into the deep fryer. Michaela said they were so drunk she couldn't understand them but i didn't pick up on that as it all sounded Greek to me :D
Anyway hopefully we can go again soon as we both had a lot of fun