I figure this Czech fishing can go and 'blow it out its arse'. WHAT A RIP OFF. I asked a colleague who I was going to fish with about the price and he said it’s because your allowed to keep 30kg of CRAP (oops I mean Carp) a year.
So my issues are
1. $100 for a license for one year
2. $200 bucks to fish in the pond/lake for 1 year (well really 6 mths as its FRIKKEN frozen for the other 6 mths)
3. They tell me I can only keep 30kg a year - Who the PHUQ would want to eat carp any way
4. There is no discount if you only want to C&R (catch and release)
So considering the difficulty and price ($300 is about 70% of annual pre tax wage hahaha) I reckon I might politely pass on the Czech fishing scene and just keep reading every report I can from my kayak fishing friends in Australia where they can at least catch a fish that has a meat : mud ratio better the 1:1
I am soooooo MAAAAAAAAAD.
Oh and in answer to the question "Who the PHUQ would want to eat carp anyway?” The answer everyone as the bloody stuff is sold in the supermarkets everywhere. Whole Carp, Carp chunks and Carp fillets (there’s an oxymoron for you).

I am sure I will calm down but right now I am really annoyed and having fishing withdrawal symptoms (sigh)
Until next time
Well don't expect to here anything off me for a while (again :( )
Why what happened? Didn't injure your arm again did you??????
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